Businesses Assisting Youth to Achieve (BAYTA) 2012-2013 REPORT
Submitted by; Lelia Reed
May 26, 2013
This past school year BAYTA partnered with LEAP Forward Inc. and The Y.E.S. (Your Education Serves) Ministry of Carroll Western Church. We met each Wednesday from 5 – 7 p.m. to offer homework assistance along with opportunities to build self- esteem and confidence. We were able to work with children from Pre-K to High School. We began each session allowing our kids to talk about what was important in their lives and communities. An increase in self-confidence of individual children has become quite obvious to all of us. Our goal each week was to offer one-to-one mentoring opportunities with the mentor working with the same child in order to build upon previously learned skills. A few special programs included:
December 19th, 2012 – Anti-Bullying Presentation – Yardley Hills Community Center. The program was coordinated by one of our middle school students with a strong interest in Anti-bullying. The student also acted as Mistress of Ceremonies introducing our guest speakers Lt. Col. Alphonso Hawkins of Calvert County and Lieutenant Chrystal Tibbs of the Prince Georges Police Department. Boys and girls were grouped separately which offered an opportunity for free and open discussions on acceptable and non-acceptable behaviors in our schools and communities. There were 46 participants including parents and family members. The program was ended with a sumptuous meal for all to enjoy.
January 23rd, 2013- Motivational presentation by Mr. Clyde Jenkins. Mr. Jenkins engaged the active participation of our children in his talk about pursuing and obtaining personal and academic goals. A focus on individual responsibility and the need to make good choices was also shared.
January 30th, 2013 – Financial Literacy presentation by Mr. Edsel Brown. This program was most appreciated by both our children and adult volunteers. Important and helpful information regarding the need to take control of our financial future was shared. The presentation also added a building block on the importance of avoiding bad debt and avenues for savings. This tied in quite nicely with the savings banks that had been given to each child as a Christmas present.
February 18th, 2013 – A field trip to the Nation’s l Capitol, The Library of Congress and the Microsoft Store. CCMBA’s generous donation was used to pay for transportation, a continental breakfast of fresh fruit, yogurt, croissants and water. In addition, the funds provided an opportunity for the children to make healthy eating choices at the Subway of Pentagon City. The field trip was attended by 6 children and we were fortunate to have 7 chaperones.
April 10, 2013 – Book Project. Ms. Ernestine Brooks gave a wonderful presentation on how to write a book and understanding the publishing process. All of our students – pre-k to high school – were allowed to participate.
Through the efforts of Doris Spencer, President/CEO of the Southern MD Black Chamber of Commerce (SMBCC) and Dawn Tucker, we were able to obtain much needed computer equipment for our students from Mr. Lance Lucas, Digit All, Board Member, SMBCC. Students of all ages were now able to complete homework assignments as well as increase their computer proficiency skills.
Our end of the Year Program was held on Wednesday, June 12th. (5 – 7 p.m.) At the Yardley Hills community center – End of the School Year Fun Night. The event was free and open to all students pre-K to 12th grade.
Lelia M. Reed
CCMBA/BAYTA Program Member