Charles County Commissioners Declare Local State of Emergency County Takes Actions to Prevent Spread of Coronavirus
Today the Charles County Board of County Commissioners issued a proclamation to declare a local state of emergency [read the declaration], a move that will enhance government efforts to respond to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
Charles County Government COVID-19 Information Webpage
Visit the Charles County Government COVID-19 webpage for additional information. We are working with the Charles County Department of Health and closely monitoring the health crisis associated with COVID-19, as well as any impact it may have locally. This dedicated webpage contains news, useful information, as well as links to affiliated agencies.
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan Holds News Conference on Measures to Combat Coronavirus
Watch the most recent Governor press conference for additional actions to combat COVID-19 in Maryland. Maryland officials announced Monday that the state has five new cases of the Coronavirus, bringing the total in the District, Maryland and Virginia to 101. Read more
Department of Health Coronavirus Updates
The Coronavirus situation is evolving daily. Locally, the Charles County Department of Health, in collaboration with the Maryland Department of Health and CDC, provides the latest updates. Visit:
Department of Health Call Center: 301-609-6717
As a reminder, the Charles County Department of Health has set up a call center to respond to inquiries from the public. Please call the department at 301-609-6717 if you have an urgent question or concern. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For the latest updates on the Coronavirus, including how to protect yourself from it and what to do if you suspect you are infected, visit the website.
Residents are asked to remain vigilant in taking appropriate actions to prevent the spread of the virus, including regular hand washing, coughing or sneezing into your elbow, and staying home when you are sick.
Charles County Operating Status Changes
Charles County Government continues to take several other measures to protect the public health and safety of its residents as new Coronavirus cases are confirmed throughout Maryland. Many county agencies and facilities are closed, including school-based community centers and indoor pools, recreation centers, senior centers, libraries and public schools. Additionally, many government-sponsored public meetings have been canceled.