LEAP Forward NSBE Jr. 10-year Anniversary

We are seeking your support of our youth.

An invitation to our 2023 Scholarship Reception – we are projecting to award 40-57 scholarships that day (Calvert, Charles, St. Mary’s and Washington Metro area)

Purchase Tickets here

Sponsorship Package:

10-year Anniversary Flyer:

NSBE 2023 INVITE and SPONSOR 10 year anniversary.

An invitation to our 10-year STEM anniversary. If you click the black QR code you can purchase a ticket.  Only $65.   If you click the red QR code, our sponsorship package and levels will appear.  The other information is just a snippet of our wonderful history packed with photos, awards, articles, etc.  

A complete scholarship sponsorship package (without having to scan the code)

Thank you so much for your support,

Rhonda Thomas

LEAP Forward Inc.


Riddicia Mackall

LEAP Forward Inc.
