Has your business or organization taken advantage of the generous rebates and services offered by your utility company? If not, this is the time to jump in and start saving on your energy bills.
The Maryland Green Registry, a free program recognizing sustainable practices at businesses and organizations throughout the state, has announced a new campaign—the Rebate Race encourages members to take advantage of the EmPower energy rebates.
The rebates may be used for on-site energy audits, upgrades to energy efficient lighting, HVAC equipment, and other measures that provide a fast return on investment. Prequalified contractors provide businesses an energy analysis, calculate the return on investment, perform the work, process the rebate paperwork, and even cover the rebate amount while it is being processed. And it’s all just a phone call away!
Start by going to the “Energy Savers for businesses” page of your utility company’s website. There you will find a list of contractors that will walk through your facility at no cost, and, present you with a proposal and the information you need to make a decision about pursuing upgrades. See BGE, Delmarva Power, Pepco, Potomac Edison, SMECO, and Washington Gas for more information.
If you’ve already participated in the EmPower rebate program, e-mail Green.Registry@maryland.gov to let us know, and you’ll be entered into a prize drawing at the annual Maryland Green Registry awards event this summer.
Not a member of the Maryland Green Registry? Joining is easy and free. First, visit the website for tips and resources on implementing sustainable practices at your facility. Then, share information on at least five practices in place at your facility to be added to the list of over 500 member organizations doing their part to work toward a sustainable Maryland.
To learn more about the Rebate Race, click here.
The post Maryland Green Registry Energy Rebate Race appeared first on MDBIZNews.