We are ready to start our 2014-15 season. We begin on Sunday, Sept 7th. Please note our change in location. We will now meet in Prince Frederick at Calvert County Baptist Church. We needed a location that has Wi-Fi service and the community centers in Calvert are not wired L. So we have to adjust.
Please bring a parent or guardian to the first meeting! Very important!
High School Students – Don’t take the SAT without taking a prep class. On Sept 20th a class with renowned Dr. Swann will be held in Upper Marlboro, MD. It is Free – you just have to register. He is an excellent presenter. If you are available, please make your way there!
Members, please share ALL of this information with anyone you know who may be interested in joining NSBE, who needs school supplies, or SAT help!
Our Treasurer Eric will be prepared to collect $10 dues on September 7th for those who couldn’t do it on-line. We can take care of it for you.