This year our focus is on religious activism and the extent to which religious engagement is integrated into U.S. foreign policy. Recent developments around the world underscore the importance of addressing religious diversity and developing policies that support civil society. Whether it is discord between Sunni and Shia in the Middle East, Christians and Muslims in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, or Palestinian, Jewish and other religious extremists in more secular Western states, this forum will help us better understand the history of these tensions, the impact of U.S. foreign policy approaches to religious diversity, and the role that intergovernmental organizations can play in promoting religious tolerance as a constructive value in building civil societies.
Discussion of these issues is particularly fitting at St. Mary’s City, the site of Maryland’s first capital, settled by Catholics. Considering this legacy, the forum will contemplate precedents and current policies. |
Opening Remarks: Chris Seiple, Ph.D., President of the Institute for Global Engagement and Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia; former U.S. Marine Infantry Officer
PANEL I: Faith-Based Groups and Religious Tensions Around the World PANEL II: Religious Activism: Challenges Facing the United States Panel III: International Responses to Religious Conflicts Dinner Speaker: Henry Miller, Ph.D. and Maryland Heritage Scholar
Thursday, June 4, 2015
8:15 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. St. Mary’s College of Maryland |
Registration fee: $80 per person for TPP members
$95 per person for non-TPP members Meals are complementary to our registered attendees (thank you to our PDF sponsors). Click to view the full agenda. |