State Contracting Information for Roofing Contractors

Contract Opportunities for Roofing: DGS Business Opportunities Information Session for Roofing Contractors.

Thursday, January 28, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM (EST)
Cost: Free

This DGS Business Opportunities Session will discuss opportunities specifically for roofing contractors.

Project Managers, Procurement Officers, and others involved in the state contracting process will discuss everything you need to know about construction and maintenance projects including:

  • An overview of the Life Cycle of a Project
  • An explanation of how projects are funded
  • The scoop on upcoming contracting opportunities
  • Tips on searching for bid opportunities
  • An overview of key forms used in the contracting process


301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 – 11th Floor – Olmstead Conference Room. Take elevators up to the 11th floor.  Look for the glass door at the end of the hallway.

Event Registration

Space is limited so registration is required for this event.  Each attendee must register.  Upon arrival, you will be asked to check-in.  Because space is limited, we will not be able to accommodate walk-in attendees.

Register for this event