LWV Annual Legislative Evening with Our Maryland State Delegation
Calvert Pines Senior Center
450 West Dares Beach Road, Prince Frederick
Tuesday, November 15, 2016, 6:30-9 P.M.
- Networking and Light Refreshments – 6:30-7 P.M.
- Welcome and Introductions – 7 P.M.
- Opening Remarks from State Delegation
- Legislation passed in 2016 Session and forecast of upcoming legislation in the 2017 General Assembly Session • Legislative Priorities of Community Organizations – 2.5 minutes each
- Questions and Comments from the Public – if time permits
Invited organizations will be allowed 3 minutes to share their story with our Annapolis Delegation. Our State Representatives need to hear about your issues and concerns in Southern Maryland. Your input gives them a perspective about what citizens in Southern Maryland want their State Legislators to address. If your organization plans to speak, the following information is needed:
- Name of the individual (and email address) of the person who will be speaking for your organization.
- As well as name of your organization.
Please RSVP with the above information to Cassandra.D.Okwumabua@gmail.com on or before October 14, 2016.
The Annual Legislative Evening with Our Annapolis Delegation