Two Weeks And Counting! State of Maryland 2016 Disparity Study Focus Groups

As a prominent trade association, community group, government agency, or business enterprise advocate, we need your help to publicize this opportunity to your members and constituents. Please make this invitation available via your website, newsletter or regular meeting. Your participation will help increase awareness of this opportunity for businesses to be heard on the important issue of contracting policies in the State of Maryland.March 22 – April 21, 2016

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Maryland Green Registry Energy Rebate Race

Has your business or organization taken advantage of the generous rebates and services offered by your utility company? If not, this is the time to jump in and start saving on your energy bills. The Maryland Green Registry, a free program recognizing sustainable practices at businesses and organizations throughout the state, has announced a new campaign—the Rebate Race encourages members to take advantage of the EmPower energy rebates.

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